Locksmiths have been with us since the Early years of Ancient Egypt and Babylon around 4000 years ago. It was a practice then for locksmiths to make wooden devices that used the tin tumbler technique to prevent free movement of the door bar. The pins can only be moved with a large wooden key thatRead More
Annette Gomez
Why You Should Always Have a Spare Key
There are many reasons why it is very important to have a spare key handy at all times. Having a spare key can extremely helpful in different situations, such as getting locked out or losing your original keys. However, some people never consider the need for having a spare key because they haven’t been placedRead More
Things to Do When You Lose Your Keys
Things to Do When You Lose Your Keys Keys are one of the most common things we lose on a regular basis, and that is a fact we can’t deny. If you regularly lose your keys and you don’t have an idea what to do after losing your keys, then you’ve come to the rightRead More
8 Best Padlocks Of All Time
It does not matter if you want to lock a motorcycle, bicycle or a gate. A padlock is extremely important. Padlocks let you easily lock anything. However, when it comes to padlocks, there are quite a lot of products available. However, here are the 8 Best Padlocks Of All Time. For further assistance you mayRead More